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Legal System Construction Plan of Waste and Resource Recycling

In recent years, various countries have proposed resource recycling action plans to realize the vision for the next 10 years. Taiwan, which faces problems such as insufficient natural resources and a lack of waste removal pipelines, should also legislate for waste management and resource recycling. In order to promote the proper recycling of resources, we must first define the scope of waste, business production and resource, and achieve the goal of resource recycling and carbon reduction by overturning the old waste management thinking. Furthermore, we can achieve the goal of promoting proper waste management with the legal tools, such as Regulations Governing Determination of Reasonable Due Care Obligations of Enterprises Commissioning Waste Clearance. During the implementation of this plan, we were held 6 consultation meetings with experts and scholars and 10 consultation meetings on the legislative direction of the resource recycling promotion law. The opinions will also be referenced for the formulation of the draft, so as to construct resource recycling legal system of our country.
Waste Management, Resource Recycling, Legal System Construction